
 “Kards Agritech provides the excellent product and service. I have been a customer of Kards past 10 years, and I am completely satisfied with the Kards AgriTech.”                                                                                           Dan Collin


             Layer poultry farming means raising egg-laying poultry birds for the purpose of commercial egg production. Brown egg laying hens are larger size. They eat more food, compared to white egg layers. Lay bigger eggs than other laying breeds. The egg shell is brown colored. There are many types of brown layer available. Isa Brown, Hi Sex Brown, sever 579, Lehman Brown, Hi Line Brown, Bab Cock BV-380, Gold Line, Bablona Tetro, Bablona Harko, Havard Brown etc. The varieties are very suitable for profitable commercial layer farming. The housing system is very important for effective keeping & management. Battery cages are the best housing cages for laying birds because it creates comfort and stability for them.

Poultry layer farming is given importance in national policy owing to which there is a lot of scope of important and development " If you are interested starting a profitable poultry farming business Layer poultry farming is an excellent choice"

Bv380 Male and female

Our Ongoing Projects

Integrated Layer Farming

Training - Layer Farming,
High Tech cage - carrying capacity 100 Chicks, Bv380 Layer Chicks, Feed management and supply, Vaccination and Medicine, Filed visit and Farm management, Buy back egg, depending on market price.

Integrated Broiler farm

We provide the chicks, feed, medication, and technical advisers to supervise farm production.

Kudumbashree, Trust, Society, Bank, Krishi bhavan, Veterinary department, Panchayat Subsidiary Projects etc..

01. Project

Training Program, without roof cage, 25 Bv380 chicks (60 days age old), 100 kg feed

02. Project

Training Program, roof cage, 25 Bv380 chicks (60 days age old), 50 kg feed

03. Project

Training Program, without roof cage, 60 Quail chicks (45 days age old), 50 kg feed

04. Project

Training Program, roof cage, 15 Bv380 chicks (60 days age old), 20 kg feed

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If you are interested starting a profitable poultry farming business

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