Our Products

Poultry Layer cages, laying hen cages, Broiler cages, Quail cages, Animal cages, Layer chicks, Broiler chicks, Integrated farms and other Livestock & Poultry raising equipment etc..

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Are you searching for the high-quality Poultry equipment’s manufactures ?        Are you looking for the best layer chicks supplier ?

 Kards AgriTech.

 We are a manufacturer specializing in poultry breeding & farming equipment. We mainly produce: Layer cages, Layer male cages, rabbit cages, Quail cage, Layer Chicks, Quail chicks, Animal cage, Feeds, Integrated farm and all kinds of poultry farm tools. We have rich production experience and many years of technical accumulation and will complete your order in quality and speed.

Low Capital investment

Quick return on Investment.

Quality and Durability

Excellent production results.

Easy Transporting

Comfortable and easy use.

Our Products

  “our materials can achieve the best results under various climatic conditions”.


30 chicks Roof Cage


15 Chicks Roof Cage


Quail Cage

04. Bv380 Layer Chicks

It is a hybrid chicken developed by Venkateswara Hatchery, a private enterprise in India. The chicken has chocolate brown feathers and produces brown shell eggs. It is high demanding variety selected by poultry farmers because of its highly adaption to climate change conditions (heat & humidity). The low input and high egg production also make it popular. 


30 chicks without Roof Cage


60 chicks without Roof Cage


120 chicks Roof Cage

Animal cages - Goat farm

Rabbit cages

TATA wire 3 box and 6 box design, nipple with cup, feeder Fedele bottle and water tank.

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